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Pamelamas LLC

"Feel the fiber. That's what it's all about."


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mud Project-Phase 2 - girls gravel path improvement

Mud project #2 - BEFORE

Mud project #2 - BEFORE

The mud between the girls barn, and their lower pasture (aka Pasture 4) was just too much, so last year we dug out a section and made a gravel path for them. It helped, but we didn't do the entire length of the muddy area. In the first photo you can see where the gravel comes to an end and the mud begins. So Phase 2 was tackled today, and now they can get thru the worst of the muddy section on a nice gravel path. More improvements could be done - some ditching and drainage pipes in select spots would really spiff things up for them. Be patient, girls - one thing at a time!
The project begins.

The project begins.

Mud project #2 - AFTER

Mud project #2 - AFTER